"Already today, people around the world are affected by water scarcity."

AMANN Group - The circle is blue
Mit seiner Verpflichtung zu einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft gilt der Nähfadenhersteller AMANN Group als Vorbild für die Textilindustrie.
AMANN Group - The circle is blue
Mit seiner Verpflichtung zu einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft gilt der Nähfadenhersteller AMANN Group als Vorbild für die Textilindustrie.

Can we imagine a world without water? Already today, people around the world are affected by water scarcity. The World Economic Forum stated that water scarcity is considered the greatest threat of the coming decade. At the same time, the apparel industry uses 93 billion cubic metres of water every year, which is roughly equivalent to the water consumption of five million people (Amann Sustainability Report 2021, page 24). This raises the pressing question of how textiles will be produced and consumed in the future?
Inspiration for the textile industry
The AMANN Group is facing up to these challenges and is focusing on a sustainable transformation of the textile industry. In view of the drastic changes caused by climate change, the industry must become climate-neutral and sustainable as a priority. The key to this lies in the successful transformation of the existing linear economic model to a circular economy. This is where the AMANN Group makes the difference and wants to be an inspiration for both industry and consumers: with innovative, circular product solutions as the basis for an overall entrepreneurial concept which, based on the circular economy, both secures the future and offers solutions for the ecological and social challenges of the present.
Circular economy as a solution
In order to close raw material and product cycles, AMANN established sustainable standards in its production facilities worldwide under the maxim ‘high-quality products must also be well tolerated by the environment.’ With the Cradle to Cradle certification, AMANN is breaking new ground. From the cradle to the cradle stands for a consistent, end-to-end circular economy in which no waste is produced, as Cradle-to-Cradle Certified®️ products are either returned to biological cycles as biological nutrients or continuously kept in technical cycles as technical nutrients.
The circle is blue
A lot of water is consumed in the production of high-quality sewing threads. The key word here is also "circular economy." In order to improve water efficiency, various clarification systems and water treatment plants have been installed in the AMANN Group's dyeing plants worldwide.
With the technology used, the company achieved a very effective recovery of wastewater from the dyeing process through physical, chemical and biological treatment. At least 50 to 80 percent of the water can thus be reused for the dyeing process. In the new plant in India AMANN goes one step further, ensuring there will be no waste water at all (Zero Liquid Discharge). State-of-the-art water treatment technology guarantees maximum reuse of the process water.
Investment in the future
In recent years, the AMANN Group has invested more than 2.2 million euros in measures to reduce the use of resources and in the generation of renewable energy. The circle is blue® : at AMANN, this claim stands for the pursuit of sustainability and the transformation from a linear business model to a circular economy in order to meet the environmental and social challenges of our time.
Source: How much do our wardrobes cost to the environment?