"Arcadia is unlocking a wave of innovation by automating and standardising utility data across territories, providers and metrics"


Arcadia is Connecting the Clean Energy Future

Arcadia’s technology and data platform is powering the next generation of climate solutions

October 30, 2023



Arcadia is Connecting the Clean Energy Future

Arcadia’s technology and data platform is powering the next generation of climate solutions

October 31, 2023


It is a truth self-evident that nearly everyone in the world depends on energy to power their lives. However, it is also an inescapable fact that roughly 80 percent of it still comes from fossil fuels.  The ability to reduce that percentage to zero - the ultimate goal of decarbonisation, represents a considerable undertaking and is arguably the biggest challenge ever faced by civilisation. Make no mistake about it, it will impact every business, in every sector, in every country worldwide.  

In the information age, every technological sea change has started with data. Over the last 20 years, a growing number of industries have digitised, standardised and automated critical data, unleashing a wave of innovation in nearly every sector as a result. The ability to access data, increased the speed of development for new technologies and solutions that would benefit businesses and consumers alike.  

If decarbonisation on a global scale is to be realised, energy data will need to be made available. It would require access to data replicating the financial data that was made available to enable new fintech companies to emerge and shift the landscape in the global banking system.  

However, in the energy sector - specifically utilities, the required shift to standardise or fully digitise consumption and bill data has failed to materialise. Information has remained siloed within specific geographic territories and varies from provider to provider. It is a problem that represents a major challenge to climate tech innovators and corporations, as they look to build new technologies and accomplish sustainability goals. 

As a company, Arcadia is unlocking a wave of innovation by automating and standardising utility data across territories, providers and metrics. As a result, it will boost decarbonisation and smart energy solutions, such as electrification, clean energy connections and sustainability reporting.

Access to clean energy alternatives has proven to be costly and highly dependent on a myriad of geographical, financial and political factors. Arcadia’s Community Solar program enables anyone to access clean energy for their home or business. Subscribing to the solar energy generated by local solar farms, will allow the two-thirds of American families that do not own their own home, do not have the right credit profile or simply the correct kind of roof, to benefit from renewable power.  

The community solar industry is a perfect example of the significance attached to the unlocking of energy and utility data and how it will help to boost innovation in the market. The ability to access data has helped to reduce friction that had previously been present in customer enrolment, operations and billing. 

Arcadia is harnessing the full force of technology to empower innovators and consumers in the fight against climate change, ultimately leading to the decarbonisation of the electric grid. The company’s game-changing software and APIs unlock clean energy solutions by creating unprecedented data access.

Arcadia’s platform makes utility usage and tariff data accessible and actionable for businesses in any industry. These capabilities fuel new innovations - both from companies seeking to manage their own energy consumption, as well as innovators building new products and services.  

The road to net zero will require significant investment and billions of machines will need to be installed. Arcadia will be at the centre of it all, serving every vertical across electrification and decarbonisation. Utility data is the lifeblood of the energy transition and without the ability to access, standardise and innovate with it, the dream of decarbonising the grid at pace will remain just that, a dream.