“We can only meet the climate goals of the United Nations and others if we make our buildings better and healthier."

EnOcean: Sustainable Alliances
The climate challenge means the smartest minds on the planet must work together to provide solutions
EnOcean: Sustainable Alliances
The climate challenge means the smartest minds on the planet must work together to provide solutions

The planet’s smartest minds are building solutions together
Buildings, which account for 40 percent of energy used and 36 percent of CO2 emissions, must become more energy efficient if we are to meet the United Nations Climate Goals. To answer the challenge, EnOcean Alliance is a leading open association of around 400 companies in the building and IT industries. Graham Martin, Chairman & CEO at EnOcean Alliance explains:
“Members create solutions based on energy harvesting sensors, which provide the data necessary to make your building smart. The unique thing about the EnOcean solution is these sensors require no cables, no battery to operate, so are very sustainable and are very flexible.”
The project has attracted some of the biggest and smartest businesses in the world. Microsoft joined EnOcean Alliance in 2019 with the goal to drive more standardization in intelligent building control, help companies adapt digital technologies quickly and enable them build their own digital competencies.Thomas Frahler, Business Lead IoT at Azure BG Germany (Microsoft) explains what is driving the company:
“Microsoft made a bold announcement in January, 2020, saying that we want to become carbon negative by the year 2030. And by the year 2050, we want to take off all of the emissions the company has ever emitted since its foundation in 1975. One of the ways Microsoft works on demonstrating its commitment to reducing carbon emissions is actually transparency. So it's not just about setting ambitious targets, but also to share our learnings.”
Ulrike Volejnk, SVP, Member of Management Board at T-Systems MMS says that the Alliance provides feedback and networking that feeds into the wider sustainability goals of the business:
“The sustainable goals of T-Systems MMS are integrated in the social corporate responsibility program of Deutsche Telekom. In the context of new normal, new work, we are creating new solutions for buildings, especially for smart buildings, for smart spaces. For example, we are integrating sensors in rooms to measure how they are used.”
Sandor Modsching, VP Digital Work at T-Systems MMS says that the benefits are being felt by customers:
“This smart space's platform offers many benefits to our customers. First of all, is sustainability, we are building a digital future. The second is efficiency, if you have a good climate in rooms, the work efficiency is much, much higher.”
The IOT devices used by EnOcean are powered by the environment which means they can be placed wherever data needs to be gathered. Raoul Wijgergangs at EnOcean says that this makes the sensors extra useful:
“That flexibility is exactly what is needed in commercial environments. EnOcean provides the core technology that is inside all of these sensors, light switches and thermostats. The combination of energy harvesting and technology hand in hand with IOT, is where EnOcean comes in.”
For Bernd Hantsch at Rutronik, this wireless approach has been a game changer and points the way to how things will be in the future:
“We see a rising market for wireless applications, as well as for energy harvesting applications, especially when it comes to smart buildings. Wireless technologies like the Enocean wireless protocol will replace wire technologies. For all kinds of communications, you need energy harvesting solutions, they absolutely make sense. You don't need a cable, you don't need a battery. And it also then protects the environment when you don't need a battery.”
Dussmann is one of the leading providers of integrated facilities management services. Philipp Conrads at Dussmann Service Deutschland says that the technology enabled cleaning teams to respond appropriately to Covid:
“The Corona pandemic showed that there is a change in the way people are using offices and are working. So we decided to implement a user-oriented cleaning concept, which is ensuring that not only personnel, but also products are deployed and utilized more sustainable and efficient way.”
The businesses that make up EnOcean Alliance are each bringing value to the partnership, yet they are also gaining something valuable in broadening and deepening their understanding of sustainability in relation to building management.
Graham Martin says that the challenge is stark but the Alliance has the will to meet the challenge:
“We can only meet the climate goals of the United Nations and others if we make our buildings better and healthier. EnOcean Alliance members are already doing this today and will continue to do so in the future with an ever increasing demand.”